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Know Your Child's Reading Score

Your Child’s Score

Parents and guardians of children reading below grade level will receive a letter from their child’s school informing them of their child’s most recent reading score. These letters are typically sent home in September, January and April each year.

It is extremely important for parents/guardians and teachers to pay close attention to every child’s reading progress from kindergarten through grade 3 because being a good reader is essential to learning in every grade and subject.To ensure students become skilled readers, state law requires 3rd graders to pass a reading test to be promoted to grade 4. Some students who don’t pass the test may qualify for a good cause exemption to be promoted.

Understanding Your K-3 Child’s
Reading Screener

Your child’s school uses one of three reading screeners to test your child throughout the year: iReady, Renaissance Star Early Literacy, or MAP Growth.

The tables below show the grade level expectation score ranges for each screener. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about your K-3 child’s reading score.

Required Support for K-3 Students (Reading Below Grade Level)

At a minimum, state law requires schools to provide the following supports to K-3 students who read below grade level:

Individual Reading Plan

This includes targeted strategies to help children with their specific reading problem(s). This plan will also include strategies families can do at home to help improve children’s reading skills.

Regular meetings between parents/guardians and teachers

Teachers will schedule regular meetings with parents/guardians of children reading below grade level to keep families informed about their child’s weekly progress. At a minimum, these meetings should occur every 4-8 weeks.

Additional Supports

Mississippi public schools will work with parents/guardians to determine any additional supports children may need and will implement them relentlessly to help ensure all children become successful readers.

Online Resources


Parents/guardians should contact their child’s school directly.