Literacy Partners
Learning-at-Home Resources for Families
Resources to help students in pre-K through grade 12 practice the skills and strategies taught by their teachers. Resources are grouped by grade level and include supports for academic enrichment, social and emotional learning, college and career readiness, students with disabilities and English Learners.
Mississippi Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
Community-driven initiative to ensure students are reading on grade level by the end of grade 3. The campaign helps communities align and strengthen existing resources to extend programs that support school readiness, school attendance and summer learning.
EPIC Mississippi
EPIC is a free text message program that provides tips to parents and guardians to increase oral language development in early childhood, elementary and secondary school. Get tips for vocabulary, parenting, social emotional health, conversation starters, tips in Spanish and self-care tips for teachers. Tips are sent two to five days a week depending on the category.