Working with Letters and Sounds (Phonics)
Why This is Important
Phonics is the relationship between letters and sounds. This is the foundation for accurately being able to read a word.
Goals for Strong Readers
- Identify the sound each letter makes.
- Read CVC words (consonant-vowel-consonant words) such as, t-a-p.
- Sound out each letter sound to blend into a word.
- Begin to spell words.
Quick Activity

Parent chooses a letter. Child hunts for five items in the house that begin with that letter sound. As each object is found, help your child write the word on a list. For example, if the target sound is /m/, your child might find and write the words mop, mat, Mom, money, and microwave.
More Activities and Games

Spread a small amount of shaving cream (or whipped cream or flour) on a countertop or cookie sheet. Call out letter names or letter sounds. Have your child write the letter in the shaving cream.

You will need 26 sticky notes or small pieces of paper and a flyswatter (child can use hand if no flyswatter available).
- Write letters A through Z on sticky notes (One letter per sticky note) and spread them out across a table.
- Say a letter sound and have your child swat the letter that makes the sound.
- Continue by saying each letter sound on the table.
- Once your child masters letter sounds, say a word and have your child swat the letters that spell the word in order.

- Stack three Styrofoam or plastic cups on top of each other.
- Lay the cups on their side.
- On the first cup, choose six consonants (any letters except a, e, i, o, and u) to write around the thicker outside edge of the cup.
- On the middle cup, write the five vowels (a, e, i, o, u) around the thicker outside edge of the cup.
- On the third cup, choose six consonants (any letters except a, e, i, o, and u) to write around the thicker outside edge of the cup.
- Have your child turn one cup at a time to make new words to read.
- You may use three strips of paper placed side by side if you do not have Styrofoam cups. Your child can move the slips of paper to create new words.